July Transition Day
Transition Day will take place on Thursday 10th July 2025, arriving 8.30-45am to 3.10pm
All new Yr 7 students are invited to attend our Induction Day. This day at St George’s gives students a taster of what to expect: a variety of lessons, meeting tutors, moving around school, meeting new friends and teachers and having school lunch. They have an enjoyable day and go home with a variety of work, photographs and experiences.
Throughout the day they are accompanied by some of our 6th form prefects who act as guides and arrange the lunchtime activities. When they return to us in September, they are returning to friendly faces they will recognise and a school that they are beginning to feel familiar with.
Please ensure that your child is dropped off and collected at the Sun Lane entrance. They will need to bring writing equipment and training shoes. The children will be met by the House Captains and Prefects who will introduce them to members of their Tutor group. They will also meet their Head of House and Tutor. On this occasion, members of their tutor group will show them round the school and explain to them what being a student at St George's involves. The local primary schools will be informed of these arrangements. Lunch on the day will be provided. We provide a vegetarian and meat option for your child during the visit. Should your child have special dietary requirements or would prefer a packed lunch, please ensure these are brought with them on the day. Your child should also bring something to eat and drink for breaktime, as lunchtime starts at1pm. A snack can also be purchased during break, at £1.50 per snack. Please ensure they are equipped with the right change.
Transition Evening will take place on Thursday 10th July, 7.30pm
Parents of new Year 7 starters are invited to learn more about St George's and the arrangements for new pupils in September. Please enter the school by the Carlton Road entrance and make your way to the Dining Hall. If you are unfamiliar with the school, students and staff will be around to help. Whilst the formal part of the evening begins at 7.30pm, please arrive from 7.15pm to receive further information and to speak with some of our teaching staff. There will be an opportunity to meet your child's Head of House and tutor. This evening is for parents/ guardians only! As with all school events, it is anticipated that there will be little parking available on site, and we would encourage you to use the car parks on Sun Lane or Bowers Way or walk to school.