Parents and Staff Association

Welcome to the PSA page of the school website. We are delighted to be able to include information about the PSA and its activities on the site. Please check this page regularly for information of PSA events and how to book them.

The PSA is the association for all parents and staff in the school, who are all automatically members. Parents and staff at the school will appreciate the very strong community spirit in the school and a significant part of what we do in the PSA is designed to encourage that community spirit even further.

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PSA Events

We organise many social occasions during the year that give parents additional opportunities to feel close to the school:

  • the ever-popular Christmas Dance
  • the Family quiz and the school quiz usually in October and February respectively;
  • the summer Fete - always a great event on the third Saturday in June;
  • fashion shows, pamper evenings

Details of these and all other events are notified to you via pupil post, and all event flyers and letters will be placed on the website for you to download. In addition to the fun we all have, most of these events generate profit that goes straight back into funding projects that the School cannot undertake within its budget constraints

How we use the funds raised

Examples of our support over the past few years include:

  • replacement shelving for the library when it was re-furbished;
  • supported a programme of locker replacement throughout the school;
  • purchased a new mini-bus;
  • bought new chairs for the staff rooms
  • bought picnic benches for Grant Quad
  • and more.

How you can help!

In addition to involvement in the PSA committee which plans and runs events, parents get involved in PSA activity through a number of ways:

PSA School painting weekends are a perfect example, we usually hold two weekends per term and re-decorate a section of the school. Parents volunteer to do a session - Friday evening, Saturday Morning or Saturday afternoon. There is a wonderful community spirit among the volunteers and their efforts keep the school looking good, while saving it money.

Teas and coffees

Altar flowers - a dedicated band of helpers ensure that the chapel always looks good. They can help newcomers so it can be an opportunity to learn a new skill while benefiting the school.

School shop - a valuable resource for the school, providing essential books and equipment at great value. This is volunteer run and help is welcome.

School library - Much of the work in the library is done by parent volunteers.

Lost property - a very important job, and valued by all of us when our children lose valuable uniform and equipment

Secondhand uniform sales - we usually try to run 2 - 3 sales per year, with obvious benefit to many in the school.

Helping at the summer fete - this is the biggest event of the year, with many stalls and activities - bouncy castles, pony rides, driving school, book stalls, bric-a brac, sweet stalls, tombolas and raffles, tea tent, BBQ, and cafes and more. Your help as well as your donations for stalls are very welcome. See links for recent letters and flyers.

The support of parents at St George's is legendary, so we urge you all to get involved as much as you can and continue the tradition of parental commitments, past and present.

Contact Us

We have set up a single E mail address to simplify communication with the PSA. If you wish to volunteer for any activity or have any queries about our events, please contact: