
The Exams Office will see visitors during term time by prior appointment only. Current students with questions or concerns are welcome to drop by during school hours, but should be aware that the exams officer may not always be available or present in the office due to exams taking place or meetings elsewhere.

It is also open for some of the summer holiday, with opening hours published on the Exam Results Documents page closer to that time.


 Certificate distribution

Certificate distribution day for leavers has now passed. You will now need to arrange an appointment to arrange collection, or email me directly to arrange for it to be posted to you. Please be aware there may be a delay in posting as Y13 mock exams are currently underway. See further details below regarding payment for postage.

Please bring photo ID to collect your certificates. If a parent or third party is collecting them, please fill out and make sure they bring the ‘Candidate permission form for collection of results or certificates by a third party’ which can be found in the ‘Exam Results Day Documents’ section of this website. I would also ask you to notify me in writing in advance via email to confirm if someone else is collecting your certificates, otherwise I will not be able to release them. 

Replacement Certificates

Any certificate from previous seasons, where we still have them, will only be posted out against payment, or can be collected by a sibling or friend still at St George's, provided they bring the necessary signed permission form as described above. Certificates cannot be collected by anyone not currently at the school. 

Postage for certificates is £10 (UK)/ £15 (overseas). To pay by bank transfer, please see payment information in the Exam Results Day Documents section and email us to confirm payment, mentioning the address where the certificates should be sent and the correct reference details. We will then let you know the approximate date when they will be dispatched. 

Contact Details

Direct line (with voicemail): (01582) 716242 
Exams Office Fax: (01582) 461825
E-mail: examsoffice@stgeorges.herts.sch.uk
Mrs Carly Monson - Examinations Officer

Please continue to report any apparent errors or problems with any links to the Exams Office.

Exam results for previous academic years are available here.