Year 6 Transition
Welcome to St George’s School! We are really looking forward to you joining us in September and hope you are as excited as we are. This area of the website is full of useful information for you and your parents.
1. Transition Information Pack
- Uniform List
- Equipment Starter Pack - In conjunction with our Teaching and Pastoral staff, we have compiled a list of the essential items required by your child at the start of their school life at St. George’s, covering their academic, artistic, physical and personal needs. As our Resource Shop is non-profit-making, the “Starter Pack” groups offer a substantial financial saving to you. Please order as soon as possible using our online ordering site. The cut-off date for orders will be 4th July 2025. All orders will be available for collection on the Transition Evening on Thursday 10th July 2025 from 7.15pm, or, alternatively, we will be happy to hold your items for collection by your child on their first day or so in school in September. In addition to the normal opening hours, the shop will be open for boarding students and their parents between 2-4pm on Wednesday 3rd September 2025. The school shop will open up again for new orders in September 2025.,
School shop Direct number 01582 716271
Available to take calls between 09.30am- 12.30pm
- Lost Property - At St. George’s School, we have a simple rule that, during school hours, all belongings must be stored in lockers, on the wooden storage racks found around the school or kept with the student. After school hours, items may only be stored in school inside lockers. During holiday times, bags MUST be taken home.
Any lost items will be held in the Lost Property Locker, in the School Resource Shop, until the end of each half term. After this, any uncollected items are either donated to charity or to the second-hand uniform sale, the proceeds of which are used by the Parent-Staff Association (PSA) to benefit the school.
To ensure that students will be reunited with their belongings, every single possession and item of clothing that they bring into St. George’s must be labelled clearly and permanently with their FULL NAME. Any non-uniform clothing or non-school item that students bring in must be similarly labelled.
We have an association with, where a wide range of good quality stick-on, sew-on, iron-on or tie-on labels are available. St. George’s School will receive 20% of the profits from each order placed, which will all go towards ongoing fundraising for the school.
Please use discount code FR-STGS-10 to receive free postage.
- Calendar Page - key dates for the next academic year
- Pupil Handbook 2024 - Your child's starter handbook for Year 7
- Google Classroom - quick guide for students
- Additional Information - including school hours, Home-School communication and contact numbers.
- Cecil Grant Founders Trust - The Founder’s Trust is a School charity, run by a group of volunteer trustees, which raises funds from the generous donations of St. George’s families. In 2021, we celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Trust. The trust raise and donate about £140,000 per year to the School, which pays for all sorts of essential items that enhance your child’s education. See attached a welcome and introduction to the Trust as well as a ‘postcard’ with some further information about our charity.
- Financial help for education - Information about free school meals and financial assistance.
In addition, Boarders have the following information:
- Boarding Kit Lists - Boy's kit list and Girl's kit list
- Boarding House Handbooks - Crosthwaite House (Boys) and Keswick House (Girls)
- Please read the information above on Lost Property as this is particularly important to boarders
2. Settling In - some information to help you move from your primary school to secondary school and understand some of the changes that this will entail.
3. July Transition Day - Thursday 10th July 9am (arriving 8.30-45am) to 3.10pm.
Hopefully these sections and the information below will help to answer any questions but if not, you can contact the transition lead, Mrs Darbourne, via her school email:
1. The St George’s House System
At St George’s we run a vertical pastoral system organised into four houses: Goddard, Grant, Monk and Watts. All the houses are named after former headmasters and pupils, linking us to the rich history and traditions of the school. Although they may just seem a convenient way of organising the school, in reality the houses mean a great deal to all the students and house loyalties are very high.
We do our best to ‘keep it in the family’ as it were when allocating students to houses. Those with brothers, sisters, parents or grandparents etc. in a particular house will join the same house wherever possible. Other students are allocated a house by induction staff and very quickly develop a house loyalty that’s apparent in all the houses. With a quarter of the school in each house they are closer in size to students’ primary schools and, just as primary heads pride themselves on knowing their students, so do our Heads of House. Heads of House have a team of tutors running small tutor bases in which students register and work with tutors on studentship skills. We divide these tutor bases into:
- Lower School — Yrs 7 & 8,
- Middle School — Yrs 9, 10, & 11
- Senior School — Yrs 12 & 13.
Tutors will often be your first port of call for any enquiries or requests you might have. Tutors can liaise with teaching staff, SEN staff, other houses, admin staff etc. and put you in touch with the right person if needed. The tutors get to know their students well, they monitor students’ success and any difficulties they may be having and work to provide support when needed as well as sharing and celebrating success.
House loyalties really come into play when it comes to house competitions. Throughout the year, the houses compete with each other, earning points towards the grand prize, the House Endeavour Cup. Every event is exciting, the Sixth Form work hard with organising the lower years and there is a huge sense of camaraderie between everyone whilst still remaining loyal to their own houses; the atmosphere is truly unique. The year of competition includes music, cross-country, rugby and lacrosse, chess, drama, art, dance, creative writing, photography, tennis, rounders, football, netball, basketball and many more. It finishes in a nail-biting finale with the athletics on sports day. Everyone is encouraged to take part in something and those not involved in events are there to support. The house system is a very important part of life at St George’s.
2. The School Day & Timetable
8.55 LESSON 1 | 8.50 LESSON 1 (INCL AM REG) |
9.55 LESSON 2 | 9.55 LESSON 2 |
10.55 BREAK | 10.55 BREAK |
11.20 LESSON 3 | 11.20 LESSON 3 |
12.20 LESSON 4 | 12.20 LESSON 4 |
13.20 LUNCH | 13.20 LUNCH (50 MINS ONLY) |
(15.20 FINISH) | (14.50 FINISH) |
At St George’s all our new year 7 students are escorted from lesson to lesson by sixth form prefects for the first two weeks of the autumn term to get them used to their new surroundings.
Key tasks for students
- Get to know your timetable
- Find out where the classroom is for each lesson
- Get to know your teachers
- Do your best to get to lessons and registration on time, especially after break and lunch
- You have a school map in your planner
3. Homework & The School Planner
Most year 6 students are used to having homework. The amount tends to vary with the time of year, with homework being set most frequently running up to their SATS tests in May (when they happen). Students at St George’s will start to receive homework as soon as they arrive in September and they can expect up to three subjects a night, occasionally four. Each homework should take approximately 30 minutes. Students will receive a homework timetable at the beginning of September so that they know which subjects to expect on which nights and a homework diary or planner in which to record it.
Key tasks for students
- Fill in your homework timetable (what homework to expect on which days) in your diary/planner
- Get to know how your diary/planner works and fill it in correctly
- Write down your homework when it is set. If none is set, write ‘none set’
- Don’t forget to record when it is due to be handed in
- Ask if you are not sure about the task for any reason or if you aren’t clear about what books or equipment you might need to do it
- Make sure you bring home what you need to do the homework
- When you get home, use your diary/planner to remind you of what you have to do
- Work by yourself as much as possible and spend the right amount of time on it
- Ask for help if it is too difficult or if you don’t understand something. The sooner your teacher knows you have a problem, the sooner it can be sorted out; don’t wait until you’re supposed to be handing it in to tell them about your problem
- Put a line through or colour in your planner when you have finished a homework – so you don’t do it twice!
- Remember to give it in
- Don’t invent silly excuses for not doing it — we’ve heard them all before — be honest and own up.
Try to do your homework on the night it is set and not the night before it’s due, because you’ll have three other homeworks on that night and, quite honestly, you’ve probably got better things to do than spend all your free time doing homework that could have been done before.
The St George’s School Planner
More than just somewhere to record homework, the St George’s school diary/planner contains dates, subject information, details of how to access the school’s ICT systems, a year planner, school and homework timetable, a map of the school, the structure of the school day, spaces for notes to subject teachers and tutors, spaces for targets and much more. All students receive one free and replacements can be bought from the school shop. Parents are requested to check and sign their child’s prep book every week.
4. School Lunches
St George’s cooks very good school lunches. Every day there will be a selection of hot dishes with vegetables, including a vegetarian option, a salad bar, a baked potato bar, a selection of hot and cold desserts, sandwiches and rolls, soup, fresh fruit or cheese and biscuits.
How to pay for food at school
We run a biometric system (using a digital version of a student’s finger-print) to pay for school lunches, breakfast and break-time snacks. This allows us to run a cash-free system in school. The student's ParentPay account needs to have credit paid into it in advance via the secure ParentPay website. Details of ParentPay are in the joining pack given to the parents of all new students. Students are always reminded to top-up their account if the tills notice they are low. We cannot provide a meal if there are insufficient funds. Please keep your child's account topped up to avoid disappointment. If you are unsure, please contact the school finance office for clarification.
All students are invited to bring a packed lunch if they would like. These should be eaten in the dining room and stored in lockers, racks or school bags till needed.
With so many members of staff and students to have lunch, St George’s runs a rota system year by year. Year 7 students will leave their last lesson of the morning ten minutes early to have lunch first. This will continue until the last half term of the year. Other years rotate at different times throughout the year.
5. Contact with School
At St George’s we aim to keep you as informed as we can about what is going on at school both socially and academically, as well as provide opportunities for you to see staff to discuss your children. We are happy to hear from parents if they have any worries or concerns and will be pleased, if you would like to tell us, we’ve got it right. In every instance, your first contact should be your child’s tutor - in writing or by phone - who can either deal with the matter or arrange for the appropriate staff to be involved.
Throughout the year you will receive a variety of communications from school detailing future events; informing you of school trips and visits; giving details of books or equipment your child might need and of meetings taking place. Most of these are communicated through EduLink for which a letter is provided in the first week of school for new starters; siblings are automatically added.
The school maintains contact with home, via weekly bulletins which are emailed to families. These provide an overview of events and activities; highlights future events and often makes reference to information that needs to be accessed via the school website. It is essential we have accurate up-to-date details of your e-mail contact address, which parents can update in EduLink.
For new parents, the first contact you will formally have with school will be the New Intake Parents’ Evening in July. This will be your first opportunity to begin to put names to faces, meet your child’s tutor for the coming year and their Head of House. Early in the September term, the PSA organise an informal quiz evening for new parents. This is another chance for you to meet your child’s tutor and Head of House, as well as some of the other parents whose children’s names you will probably be becoming familiar with. This evening allows you to get to know the staff who are dealing with your children on a daily basis. It is a very informal evening and the first of many social events hosted by the PSA.
The school calendar with the term’s dates and events is available on our website. In the second half of that first term, we hold the year 7 parents’ evening. This is an opportunity to meet with your child’s tutor and subject staff. Our parents’ evenings are usually run remotely and appointments are limited to five minutes. If, however, something comes up that requires longer, staff may suggest to you that you talk on the phone or e-mail at a later date.
Throughout the course of the year, parents will receive regular feedback about how the students are working and progressing in all their subjects. There are 4 points of feedback in the year:
- October: Effort and Attitude grades and tutor comment – Pastoral focus: How are they settling in?
- December: Parents’ Evening – meeting the teachers and further feedback
- February: Progress Review, data and comments from all teachers and Head of House – more academic focus / target setting.
- May: Progress Review, data and comments from all teachers, Tutor – reflective/summative
These are available to parents and students electronically via Edulink.
Should you wish to discuss anything that comes out of the reviews on your child, please – as always – make your child’s tutor your first port of call.
6. Absence & Attendance
Please do not arrange holidays or trips in term time.
If your child is likely to be absent for some time due to injury or illness, but is fit to work, please let us know. We will be happy to send work home if appropriate.
If your young person has an unplanned absence e.g. they wake up poorly, we use Edulink for parents and carers to report all absences. The reporting is done through Edulink’s Absence Reporting icon on the main menu of the homepage.
To report an absence, log in to the Edulink One app or website. Click on the 'Absence Reporting' icon, select the date range of your child's absence using the calendars. Choose the 'date from' which is the beginning of the absence and the 'date to' which is the expected return date. Use the arrows to switch between children.
It is important to note that absence reporting cannot be done retroactively. Parents and carers must report an absence for the current date.
Next, you need to input a reason for your child’s absence in the ‘Reason for Absence’ text box. Please give really clear details and don’t just write ‘ill’. Additionally, you can attach a document, such as a medical certificate, to provide further details of the absence.
Lastly, click Send to report your child’s absence, or you can press the Cancel button to delete the absence.
Any parent or carer who has not submitted an absence report through Edulink, will receive a notification either by email or through text message, to be reminded to do this. All on-the-day absence reports should be completed by 8am.
If your young person is presenting with anxiety or any other form of mental health concerns and cannot attend school, please be open so we can support your young person in returning to school.
For known-in-advance absences requiring Head of House permission
These requests will be forwarded to the Head of House who will reply via email within 48 hours with authorisation. Absences needing authorisation:
- Medical appointments
- Orthodontist appointments
- Dental appointments (should be out of school hours)
- Music lessons
- Music exams
- Driving tests – theory and practical
- Uni/sixth form interviews/open days
- Holidays
- Funerals/weddings
- Sibling/parent graduation
- Religious events/ celebrations
- Individual sporting event
- Individual educational event
- Work experience
- New school interview/open day
- Other exceptional circumstance
If you are having any issues with Edulink, please contact the ICT department:
All students from year 7 to 11 should sign in and out at Goddard Reception. This is to enable easy pick-up from the coach lay-by and to improve our monitoring of students leaving the site.
It is a parent’s legal responsibility to make sure their child attends school on a regular basis.
We take regular attendance at school seriously and are concerned about any student who demonstrates 90% attendance or less. Should absence or lateness become a regular occurrence, leading to broken weeks, please expect to be contacted by the school to establish the cause and discuss how we may be able to help.
So if you feel that your child is ‘unable’ to come to school on what appears to be more frequent occasions than their peers, or more often than they have in the past, or you have any other concerns about their attendance, do please talk to your child’s tutor as soon as possible. If we keep the channels of communication open, then we will be able to work together to resolve or support any problems that may be developing, and sooner is always better than later.
NHS Live-well - Is my child too ill for school
Every Mind Matters - supporting others/children's mental health
Childrens Commissioner - Guide for parents on school attendance
7. Boarding
St George’s is different from the other schools in Harpenden; indeed different from most other secondary schools, because we are also a state boarding school. This means that, as well as the day students, in every year group, we have a percentage of students who board at school. This adds to the unique quality of life at St George’s as we enjoy the contributions of students from a wide range of cultures, communities and countries.
Our boarders have exactly the same experience of day school as everyone else, but at the end of the day they return to our two boarding houses, Keswick (for girls) and Crosthwaite (for boys). Just as day pupils enjoy a range of family activities in their homes, our boarders also have a wide range of "family” support and activities in the boarding houses after school and at the weekends. Our day and boarder students share a great deal and many lasting friendships between them are struck during their time at school.
If you are a day student, make a point of looking out for the boarders in your year and if you are a boarder, get to know our day students. After all, wherever you come from, you actually have a great deal in common: it’s your first term at St George’s and by mixing with everyone in your House and year, whether you are a day student or a boarder, you will get the best out of your school.
8. Clubs and Activities
Clubs and Activities
We have a huge range of clubs and extracurricular activities for students to get involved in throughout the year. There are a wide selection of sports and music clubs, technology and art, gardening and drama, as well as all the team and sports training, music practices and rehearsal sessions. We really do pride ourselves on there being something for everyone. At the beginning of the year it does take a couple of weeks for staff to set up dates and details for all these, so please bear with us for the first two weeks of the Autumn term. We know students are keen to get involved and opportunities to sign up and join in will begin from the third week of term.
Parents will also be provided with details of what is available for students to get involved in at St George’s. Students will find out about the beginning of clubs and activities via morning messages that they are given every day during morning registration and can then go to the appropriate notice boards and rooms to get details and sign up.
Trips and Visits
Year 7 will have opportunities to join a variety of trips and visits with the school throughout the year, especially during our summer Activities Week. Parents are informed of any trips through our Edulink System. Any payment/consent required should be made through the secure ParentPay system on the internet. As always, the finance office can help with any problems you may encounter.
9. So what will be studied in Year 7, How can Parents Help?
Because we know how keen Year 7 are to get started, this section provides a brief outline of some of the areas in subjects that year 7 will be covering during the course of the year. This will give parents and families the chance to make the most of any ‘being in the right place at the right time’ opportunities that might arise during the holidays when you could visit the perfect museum or attend the perfect play, if only you’d known it would be taught later that year.
Students will study sequences as their first topic, so you should take photographs of sequences you have created or found consisting of numbers, shapes, and patterns. You will be able to use these photographs in displays.
We look at a wide range of texts over the year, to give students opportunities for many different types of writing. Read as widely as possible: fiction and non-fiction; Poetry, prose and drama; news and media texts. Challenge yourself and read a text type that you haven’t read before. Should the opportunity arise, attend a play or visit the Globe Theatre.
The solar system is a fascinating subject and is studied in year 7 so a trip to the Leicester Space Centre would be useful as well as looking at the stars at night or watching the phases of the moon. Renewable energy is also covered, so if you happen to be passing a wind farm or some solar panels, have a look and discuss the advantages and disadvantages. Adaptation for both plants and animals so a visit to a zoo, wildlife parks or The Eden Project would be useful.
Students will look at medieval music, so watching the Horrible Histories is helpful. When watching films, try turning the sound down to see how music enhances emotion in films. Listening to a whole range of different styles of music will be useful in KS3. If you play an instrument or sing, practice and record yourself performing.
Students will look at Medieval British history, so visit any medieval towns and cities and experience places such as Canterbury, Salisbury, St Albans and Warwick. They will also look at the British Empire – so try The British Museum.
Students will explore a wide variety of media and techniques including; painting, drawing, print and sculpture. We want you to have FUN in art! Take opportunities that arise to visit any art galleries or events. Collect some postcards of artwork and artists that you discover, to show your art teacher in September. Collect any beautiful objects such as seashells for observational drawing.
Mime, Movement and Characterisation will be looked at in Year 7 and students could find out about Ancient Greek Theatre. Also any opportunities to see some live theatre.
If you are going away on holiday either abroad or in the U.K., look at a map to see where in the world/country you are going, so you can tell/show your Geography teacher in September. If you visit different towns when you are on holiday, try making a map of the main street showing all the different types of shops.
Students study French in year 7 so explore your French connections. Do you have any French relatives, neighbours, or friends? Make contact and try some basic conversation and daily greetings or try to send a text message or email. If visiting France or another French-speaking country, try to buy an ice cream or order a drink in French. Listen to some French music by Stromae or look at some French cartoons, such as Asterix. Check out Language apps such as Duolingo or Memrise on your phone.
In the 5 modules throughout the year, students focus on Health and Safety, skills, confidence and fun while designing and making real things. So try doing some real technology at home; sew on the next button that comes off, cook part of the family meal, use some tools or find out what jobs different tools do. Practice drawing and shading skills.
Take as many opportunities as you can to practice ball handling skills; throwing and catching balls of different shapes and sizes, from tennis balls to footballs, ping pong balls to beach balls. Have a go!
Find out about opportunities in your area to volunteer or support your community. Maybe even have a go at volunteering for something yourself.
Have a look at any religious buildings you are able to – cathedral, mosque, church, synagogue, etc. What’s inside them? How are they decorated? What happens inside them? Do any of them have anything in common?
We would love to see some of your work from year six.
For as many subjects as you can, find a piece of work that you are proud of and bring it to show each of your new subject teachers. For example, something that shows your skill at Geography, for your Geography teacher; some something that shows your skill at R.E., for your R.E. teacher.
10. Your First Day
Your first day and first lessons at St George’s
When you arrive for your first day at St George’s in September you should come in your uniform and arrive at the Sun Lane Entrance. Sixth form prefects will be there to meet you and escort you to your tutor. You will start the day in the Assembly Hall before moving to your tutor base rooms. There will only be two yeargroups in school on that first day, so you will have a good opportunity to get to know the school and find your feet.
You will not have any lessons today but will spend some time in your tutor base with your tutor receiving your timetable and your St George’s School diary/planner. There will be lots of activities during the day to make up for what you missed from Induction day in July and to help you become familiar with the school and your new friends. The sixth form prefects will be with you all day helping you find your way around, solving any problems you might have and joining in with your activities.
What You Need on Your First Day
- Your pencil case and writing equipment
- Make sure you have money paid for your lunch on your ParentPay account
- A drink and a snack for break time or money on your ParentPay account to buy a drink and snack
- You do not need to bring any P.E. or games kit
- You do not need to bring any books or equipment for lessons
- You will need a school bag to carry home any books and equipment you will receive on the day
- You will need your pencil case and pens.
What You Need for Your First Subject Lessons
- You should bring your pencil case and writing equipment to your first lessons and any books for that subject
- For your first P.E. lesson you should bring your full kit. The P.E. staff will check that it is all labelled clearly with your name.
- Once you’ve had your first lesson in each subject, your subject teacher will tell you what to bring to future lessons. If you are not sure what to bring, just ask
Remember, you have done lots of preparation to come to St George’s and most of you have had the chance to meet new friends and tutors already, so a lot of things will feel familiar. Some things are bound to feel a little strange at first, but that won’t last for long. Remember that everyone is having their first day and do your best to help each other to feel happy and comfortable together.