Cecil Grant Founders Trust

Give Today for Their Tomorrow

Text Books
Sewing Machines
Induction Day
Resistant Materials Equipment
Art Equipment
Drama Equipment

If you are one of the 450 families already donating to the Trust, thank you!

If you would like to donate, please read on to find out how your contribution will benefit the pupils of St George’s

The Trust raises an average of £135-140,000 per year and pays for items such as computers, books, transport, prep books and other equipment. We have also recently funded the refurbishment of the English and Maths departments. The money raised is paid to the school annually so that all pupils receive the immediate benefit!

It’s easy to join all the other St George’s families who donate and help our pupils. Please use this link to set up your Direct Debit or alternatively you can use the QR code below.

All contributions are gratefully received and will be of benefit to our pupils. As a guideline we suggest a sum of £15 minimum per child per month.

We can reclaim Gift Aid from the Government provided that you pay income tax or capital gains tax during the tax year that is equal to the amount of tax that the charities to which you donate reclaim.

So please tick the Gift Aid box if you are eligible.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact our Treasurer at CGFT@stgeorges.herts.sch.uk


Cecil Grant Founder's Trust for St George's School is a Registered Charity - Charity Number: - 1094822

HM Revenue and Customs reference number for the donation of personal tax refunds to the Trust: - DAK67AG

A link to the Charity Commissioner: www.charity-commission.gov.uk

If you have any questions relating to CGFT and Data Privacy, or would like a copy of the CGFT Privacy Policy, please email your question to cgftprivacy@stgeorges.herts.sch.uk