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Contact Form for Basic Enquiries

Please complete the form below to contact the school for (Please Select) enquiries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


To report a student absence:

Please report your child's absence from school via EduLink by 8.15 a.m. on the day that they are absent.

EduLink should be used for both ‘on-the-day’ absence reporting and ‘known-in-advance’ absence requests. 

For support using EduLink, please see the information in the parents' section: Edulink Support

Alternatively, report an ‘on-the-day’ absence by telephoning 01582 716225 and include your child’s name, tutor group and a detailed reason for their absence.

Diarrhoea and vomiting – to avoid spreading infection, please keep students at home for 48 hours (2 days) after symptoms have stopped.

To contact a member of staff via email

Use the staff member's first initial and surname followed by, e.g. to contact John Smith, the email would be
However, this does not apply to the Headmistress who can be contacted on email:




Please use the form to contact the following departments

  Phone Email
For General Enquiries (Admin Office/Mrs K Dudley)* 01582 765477
For Parents of New Year 7 Students (Mrs A Darbourne)* 01582 765477
For Boarding and Admissions Enquiries (Mrs A Brown)* 01582 765477
For Sports Centre Enquiries (Mr Ben Chan) 01582 716229
For Lettings Enquiries (Mrs Sue MacKenzie) 01582 716288
For Child Safeguarding (Mrs K Robertson)* 01582 765477
For Special Education needs (SEN Co-ordinator/Mrs T Linsell)* 01582 765477
For Website Issues (Mr Mark Hubbard)* 01582 765477

* via Reception