Supporting St George's

There are many ways in which you can support St George’s School and there something for every talent and circumstance!

Cecil Grant Founder's Trust

The Trust is a charity run for the benefit of all St George’s pupils. All families are asked to make a monthly donation per pupil by Direct Debit. The Trust also accepts one-off payments. The money raised is spent annually so that our pupils feel the immediate benefit, and pays for items such as computers, books, transport, calendars, prep books and other equipment. The Trust works hard to maintain a steady income stream for the school upon which it can depend, and plan its spending accordingly.

The Founder's Trust was originally set up as a result of the will of our Founder, Rev Cecil Grant.  The Trust is still going strong today as a charity and, thanks to the generosity of St George’s families, collects and donates to the school approximately £135-140,000 every single year.  The Trustees include “old Georgians”, current parents, governors and the Headteacher. Click here for more information

Parent and Staff Association

The St George’s PSA encourages a very strong community within our school and fundraises via its very many social events. The funds raised by the PSA enables us to provide enhancements for the school that would be hard to justify from other budgets; the "nice to haves".  You can get involved with the PSA in so many different ways including: painting weekends, flower arranging in the Chapel, helping in the library, serving refreshments at school events, as well as assisting in organising or providing hands-on support at one of the numerous larger events. Whatever your talent or interest, there is something for you. Click here for more information

Development Fund

The Development Fund was originally set up to help fund the building of the Sports Centre and Modern Foreign Languages block. The Fund focuses on larger capital building projects within the school. Click here for more information

Give as you Live

Give as you Live is an award-winning fundraising platform that works with over 4,000+ leading online retailers. A percentage of every purchase is donated to charity, without costing the charity or the shopper a penny extra.

When you sign up to Give as you Live to support St George’s, each time you shop online at supported retailers, a commission is paid to the St George’s PSA by the retailer. You can also set up a donation reminder on your browser so you never miss the opportunity to donate while you shop. Click here for more information