Boarding FAQs
What are the fees and what is the deposit?
From September 2024, £5,575 per term, payable at the start of each term. If fees are not met, the place at the school will be forfeited. The fee is a flat rate; weekly boarders pay the same as full boarders, and being at home for study leave etc does not change the fees.
Fees cover boarding costs (accommodation and meals). There is no charge for timetabled mainstream teaching (though special tutoring is extra). In addition to the boarding fees, there are costs for uniform, equipment and trips.
To secure a place, the deposit is one term’s fees, which is held until after the boarder has left. Boarders moving from Year 11 to Year 12 and staying in boarding, will be required to pay the difference between their initial deposit and a whole term’s fees in the Spring of Year 11.
Bona fide expenses, such as outings, books and school trips can be put on “disbursements.” You are invoiced in arrears at the beginning of each term.
Can anyone board?
Boarding at St George’s is for UK residents or holders of full UK passports with the right of abode in the UK only. This currently includes families who have successfully applied for a BN(O) Visa and who plan to reside in the UK as a result. In addition, there are criteria to be met and the child has to be suitable for boarding.
Do prospective boarders have to attend an interview?
Absolutely. We firmly believe that every prospective boarder must see the school in person and meet with staff here. After all, if it is to be their home and it is crucial that they get a feel for the school and for the boarding house in which they will live. Video or telephone interviews will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
What does “suitable for boarding” mean?
The boarding community is an integral part of St George’s and every boarder has to accept the ethos of the school. They must also be capable of living independently within the community. Their behaviour must meet certain standards and individuals with certain needs cannot be catered for.
May a boarder transfer to day status?
This is not permitted. According to the Admissions Code and on the insistence of the Governing Body, a boarding place may not be exchanged for a day place. The only exception to this is, upon completion of GCSEs, and subject to conditions, a boarder may seek a day place in Year 12.
What activities are offered in boarders’ free time?
There are many school-based activities after school and on Saturdays and sometimes Sundays, such as team sports, musical groups, and some clubs. All boarders will have some free time, they also have meals and prep in the evenings. At weekends, staff offer trips to local places of entertainment, such as the cinema. Special outings to theme parks, paintballing, theatre, etc are organised from time to time.
Can boarders go home (or away) at weekends?
We do not differentiate in any way between weekly and full boarding (the fees are the same) and boarders may go away any weekend or stay whenever the house is open (providing we have the necessary parental permission). However, all boarders must leave the site for fixed exeat weekends (when the whole site is closed) and holidays. This is why, for boarders whose parents are not in the country, it is essential to have an adult guardian who lives within easy reach of the school.
Are boarders permitted to stay in school for exact weekends and / or holidays?
No, the school is completely closed to students during exeat weekends and holidays. Students will return to their families, guardians or other nominated persons.
Can transport to and from airports be arranged?
We do try and provide a service to London airports, but this is subject to fairly strict guidelines (available on request) which restrict this to certain days and times, and to the availability of staff. It is nly available to boarders whose primary address is overseas, and it is not a facility for holiday trips or family members.
What is the school’s attitude to drugs and alcohol?
St George’s has very clear policies on drugs and alcohol. Essentially, it is zero-tolerant of any drug abuse which includes tobacco. Within boarding, the stance on alcohol is similar to that of many families in the UK, which is that, on certain occasions, people of 16 or above may consume a little wine or beer with a special meal. Boarders who are 18 or above may go to pubs and buy alcohol within reasonable limits providing they have parental permission to do so. Non-compliance with the school policies on drugs or alcohol will lead to serious sanctions.
What sanctions are applied to boarders?
Boarders who cannot comply with rules and guidelines will lose their school place (not just as boarders), but we work with parents to try and avoid this. Minor misdemeanours are dealt with by House Staff by “telling off” and perhaps by being put on report or confinement – which basically restrict freedoms a little for a limited time. Sometimes, consequences may include being given tasks to help around the house. More serious offences are escalated to the Director of Boarding, and parents will be informed, and these could lead to fixed-term exclusion from the school (i.e. being sent home for a few days).
What are the benefits of boarding?
We believe there are many benefits to boarding, such as learning to live in a close community and to become independent. Boarders do not have to spend time travelling to and from school, they make firm friends with others in the community and they can support each other socially and academically. Many boarders achieve well above their standardised expectations, gaining hig-added value examination results.