Day Admissions

Admission Arrangements for St George's School

From September 2025, for Year 7, St George's will have a published admission number (PAN) of 170 day and 10 dedicated boarding places.  The school cannot always straightforwardly fill and appropriately accommodate 10 places for Year 7 boarders. During years 7, 8, 9, and 10, additional boarding spaces can be filled, to progressively make good the shortfall between the boarding PAN and the number of boarders taken into Year 7. The school may increase the number of places available over PAN to day students in exceptional circumstances. In all cases, places are offered in sequence to those at the top of the continuing interest list for day places, in a transparent process in consultation with HCC. 

For Day Admissions, including admissions outside of Secondary Transfer, please email the Day Admissions Officer.

Making an application for Secondary Transfer Admission September 2025

You will need to make an online application to your Local Authority to provide your four schools of preference for secondary transfer.  If you have selected St George’s School as one of your four school choices, you should also download and complete the following forms:  

Once completed, you will need to either scan and email the forms to or post to the school for the attention of the Admissions Officer.

Applications to join in Year 7 follow the same timeframe as the Local Authority Secondary Transfer process.  The timelines for applying to join us in September 2026 are as follows:

  • Thursday 23rd October 2025: Closing Date for submission of the St George’s School application form to us
  • Friday 31st October 2025:       Closing Date for Secondary Transfer application to your Local Authority
  • Monday 2nd March 2026:       Formal offers are made
  • Monday16th March 2026:       Offers must be accepted or declined by this date

Summer Born Children

Pupils will be admitted to St George’s School in Year 7 at the age of 11, or age 12 if they are summer born children where a family delayed their entry to Reception by one academic year.

For all other out-of-year applications, please make an application to Hertfordshire County Council (Herts CC) and the school, in line with your child's date of birth and include evidence that they were deferred at Reception.  Once checked, the school can provide you with a letter to confirm that it will consider the application a year later.  This letter can then be sent to Herts CC to withdraw the application.  The following year you will need to make another application and include the letter from the school.  This means that the application will be considered a year later but is still subject to the School's admission arrangements.


In Year Admissions 

St George's School is not part of Herts CC's scheme of in-year coordination. Parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in Years 7 - 10 at St George's School will need to submit an In-Year Application Form directly to the school. 

A composite continued interest list is used for year group 7 to 9 to allocate all places that become available during the school year.  Fresh applicants are considered according to the published criteria.  The length of time a child's name has been on a continued interest list is not a criterion for admission; an applicant is given order of priority on the list, based on the admissions criteria for the current school year.  The continued Interest list expires at the end of Year 9 and all names are removed.  A new application will need to be submitted, in order to be placed on the continued interest list for Year 10 and 11. 

If a school place becomes available, parents (of pupils in Years 7-10) will be contacted in strict order of priority, according to the continued interest list and the application of the admissions criteria.  Any such place must be accepted as soon as possible, to allow the School’s day places to be filled. 

The In-Year application form should be returned to School by post to: St George’s School, Sun Lane, Harpenden AL5 4TD or by email.  On receipt of an in-year application form, the school will advise within 10 working days whether a place can be offered, and if not, will provide details on how to appeal the decision. 

School Admission Appeals Timetable

September 2025 entry

Appeals resulting from secondary transfers and under 11s applications for admission in September 2025 will be heard according to the following timetable:

  Allocation day Appeals lodged by Appeals to be heard between

Secondary Transfer

3 March 2025

4pm on 31 March 2025

2 May - 18 June 2025 (excluding 5 May and 26 May - 30 May)

  • Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.
  • Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear working days in advance of the hearing.
  • Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case 7working days in advance of the hearing.

In Year appeals

Appeals resulting from in-year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.

Additional supporting information

An appellant who wishes to submit any supporting evidence after lodging an appeal, will need to get that to the Appeals Team at least 7working days before their hearing (not counting the day of postage or the hearing date).

Any confidential medical/social evidence submitted to the Admission Authority (AA) in support of your application will not be provided to an appeal panel. If you wish to rely on this in support of your appeal, you will need to submit this documentation to the Appeals Team.

If the appellant has a short document (like a doctor’s letter which was not previously available), this will be accepted up to four working days before the hearing. Any additional evidence received after this deadline will not be circulated, and the panel may not accept any additional information taken to the hearing.


Determined Admission Arrangements for St George's School for September 2024 

Please do not use for current applications 


Determined Admission Arrangements for St George's School for September 2026

Please do not use for current applications